Personal immunity idea and the experience of its realization in pre-Soviet Russia

  • Vereschagina A.V.

    candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law disciplinesVladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


The modern personal immunity idea in Russia began to formalize since XVIII century. The development and practical realization of the personal immunity idea in Russia can be divided into three periods. The author characterizes the introduction of the draft law, elaborated by constitutional democrats, in the First State Duma and expounds causes which did not allowed to adopt it. In the publication the special attention was paid to
the Temporary rules about militia of 1917. In this act frstly in Russia was created the normative model of the judicial control institute for the militia activity on the restriction of the rights of citizens, including its immunity.

Keywords: pre-Soviet Russia, history of liberal ideology, law, State Duma, Temporary Government, personal
immunity, judicial control, Temporary rules about militia of 1917.